The utilization of masks in PixInsight is a primary processing technique - especially with regards to multi-scale processing to characterize features in the imagery data.
These lessons are vital and interwoven into almost all processing tasks in PixInsight... (So take note!)
Most of these videos were published in 2019... but the concepts are all still valid in 2022 (nothing about masks has really changed much).
* These are the Fundamental PixInsight Path
*Fundamental Concepts | 42 minutes |
*Simple Mask Math | 14 minutes |
*First Take/Variation Demonstration | 35 minutes |
*Object Masks Part 1 | 26 minutes |
*Object Masks Part 2 (Deconvolution) | 22 minutes |
*Range Masks | 23 minutes |
*Clone Stamp as Paint Brush | 9 minutes |
*Star Masks (MLT) | 17 minutes |
Star Mask Process | 34 minutes |
Star Mask Creation | 30 minutes |
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